So Ms. Crabby pants is back. I’m in one of those moods where I just want to walk up to someone and scream “what if wrong with you people”.
Why am I in this mood? I was in the gym slogging away on the stair stepper and perusing a gossip magazine I came across an article about a plus size model whose photos were digitally altered to make her look very thin. The photographer’s response, “Well I’m paid to make her beautiful’. Evidently anyone over a size two is not beautiful. Now the irony was that this 5’ 9” model weighs 150 lbs and looks pretty darned good in a bikini. 150 lbs on someone that height is considered mildly overweight if one has a small frame and just fine if one’s frame is larger. So this annoyed me but I figured that this was a fluff piece designed to take up space. After all most of us tend to be this woman’s weight if not height and believe it or not don’t consider ourselves to be plus sized.
Then I moved down to the free weight area which, for some reason, has a television set. I should have just done my reps and ignored it but no…. The program that was on was some “so you want to be a model type thing.” Naomi Campbell was holding up an obscenely high pair of heels and saying something about athletes. I foolishly thought she was going to say something along the lines of “athletes don’t wear these things because it destroys their feet’…Nope she was saying that athletes play through their pain and so should these aspiring models. These poor things literally could not hobble across the floor in these shoes and looked absolutely crushed as the panel critiqued their runway skills. I kept waiting for one of them to take the shoes off and scream “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”. Alas evidently no one had ever seen Network much less thought that perhaps they should inhabit the real world instead of having their self esteem and souls destroyed by a bunch of collagen injected has beens.
Here’s hoping that one day we will all (me included) learn to obsess less over weight and appearance and learn to just live healthy. In the meanwhile I must lift a few more weights to burn off my annoyance.