Yesterday was a bit of a busy day for me. I got some gardening done if you call sitting in the chair and reaching the one spot I can weed gardening. I also started another paperbag book and got caught up on some light reading. Evidently attempting to lead something approximating a normal life though has sent THE FOOT over the edge.
Instead of having my usual pins and needles last night we went into full blown my foot’s on fire sensations. Massage and ice helped but as soon as those stopped, whammo – 3 alarm fire at the end of my leg. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep but no such luck…. Another interesting and relatively banal phenomenon is that the skin around my incisions has begun to peel. My ankle on both sides rather resembles someone’s badly burned back where the skin begins to peel off. Can I get a resounding ewww? I’m taking this phenomenon as a good sign and that happy new skin is underneath evenif the gross factor is high.
All of this has contributed to the heck that is currently going on but what is most heckish at the moment is my cat. I do not know why but she absolutely has to sit on my chest right under my chin. If I gently dislodge her she immediately climbs right back on. I, of course, am a sitting, make that lying, duck. I’m trying to keep the foot elevated in hopes of appeasing it and diminishing the pins and needles. The only reason I’m able to type at the moment is that we’ve come to a compromise. She gets to lie between my legs under the covers while I get to sit in the most painfully contorted position possible. One leg is straight out elevated on pillows, the other is bent forming a little tent for her. So why not just move her off the bed you ask? Because she is 22 years old and I just don’t have the heart to do so. I know I’ll pay for it in hip pain later on but let’s face it at 22 I might not have her around that much longer so I’ll let her be for now.
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