Another thing I used to take for granted was cooking. I don’t know why but I have the worst yen to cook today. Well actually I do know why – a friend called yesterday and mentioned what she’d be cooking for dinner and then today another friend mentioned that I should stop by our favorite bakery on the way home from the clinic. They have , literally the world’s best carrot cake. Man, I am really craving good food. I so want to try and new recipe. The fact that I’m fixating on food is also sort of good news. I’ve had a very low appetite lately – good for weight loss, not so good for bone health
Sadly, the best I can do at the moment is throw T.V. dinners in the oven. Our microwave is too high so I have to go old school even on stuff like lean cuisine. I can instruct the saint in trying to follow a recipe but it is not really the same. I cannot taste the food as one does when cooking nor can I do a little last minute – well let’s throw this in and see how it tastes. The saint in his own is very much a bachelor cook. Don’t tell him but please, no more canned spaghetti sauce and frozen meatball
Another reason why I’d like some really tasty food at the moment is that – yes I confess – yesterday evening I had another meltdown. Sobbing, despair etc. One good thing is that I’ve discovered that these feelings are pretty normal, and thanks for meditation for mindfulness, I allow myself to have them but only up to a point. Then I start to focus on something else, ergo carrot cake
On a more encouraging front, I no longer have to have injectable blood thinners (hurrah!) and am now just taking a pill. Most exciting of all though is that my elderly kitty, who we were starting to worry a bit about healthwise, seems to have rallied somewhat and she too seems to be on the mend. Here is hoping that both Tilly and I keep heading up that hill.
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