So, yesterday started out so nicely… This was the first evening I was able to sleep though the evening with no opiate pain pill’s assistance. This is a big thing for me as addictive personalities tend to run in my family. So far, chocolate seems to be my main problem but I didn’t want to take any chances so I weaned myself off the Percoset. Hurrah for moi!
Then, as an extra special treat, ooh ah, the spouse took me to the store so I could explain fresh as opposed to frozen veggies to him. – I may not like veggies but I am Velma’s daughter( MS. always eat fresh and , if possible, raw ) It was so nice to have a change of scenery and I got to talk to a slightly odd but nice man in produce while himself wandered the rest of the store. One side note here about the saint. He is the best, most patient nurse ever but a good conversationalist he is not. So not only did I speak with slightly odd man yesterday but also to my friend’s husband on the phone for an hour. I am kinda starved for conversation.
So the one thing I noticed yesterday was that I had a nasty pain in my upper right back, under the shoulder blade. I had assumed that I had slept on my back funny but as the day progressed it started to get sharper and sharper regardless of icing or heating the area. I couldn’t breathe in deeply without sharp shooting pains and I had really, really bad heartburn. Initially Ms hypochondriac thought she might have a blood clot traveling around, but the all knowing net didn’t seem to support this as the pains should be on my left side. So then, I started to think about it. I had just gone off my opiates which were probably masking the rib pain and I was so freaked out by THE FOOT that nothing else registered in those days. I’m now thinking that I probably cracked a rib in my fall based purely on the evidence that strapping up that section of the rib cage seems to have helped. It still hurts like a house on fire but it is more manageable by now.
Himself wants me to go have it X-rayed but , as far as I can tell, they don’t do much other than send you home with ibuprofen or Tylenol. I’m already taking the Tylenol and, to be quite frank, after my experiences in the emergency room I refuse to go back unless I’m unconscious.
On the plus side, the heartburn has been so bad I don’t feel like eating. I’m hoping this will help me not gain more weight than I can help while THE FOOT heals. Generally though not the type of weight loss method I’d recommend. I am also kind of hoping that I don’t have another body part that becomes its own entity. After all who want both THE FOOT and THE RIB to rule their lives?
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